National Assessment And Accreditation Council (NAAC)


India has one of the largest and diverse education systems in the world. Privatization, widespread expansion, increased autonomy and introduction of Programmes in new and emerging areas have improved access to higher education. At the same time, it has also led to widespread concern on the quality and relevance of the higher education. To address these concerns, the National Policy on Education (NPE, 1986) and the Programme of Action (PoA, 1992) spelt out strategic plans for the policies, advocated the establishment of an independent National accreditation agency. Consequently, the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) was established in 1994 as an autonomous institution of the University Grants Commission (UGC) with its Head Quarter in Bengaluru. The mandate of NAAC as reflected in its vision statement is in making quality assurance an integral part of the functioning of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).

The NAAC functions through its General Council (GC) and Executive Committee (EC) comprising educational administrators, policy makers and senior academicians from a cross-section of Indian higher education system. The Chairperson of the UGC is the President of the GC of the NAAC, the Chairperson of the EC is an eminent academician nominated by the President of GC (NAAC). The Director is the academic and administrative head of NAAC and is the member secretary of both the GC and the EC. In addition to the statutory bodies that steer its policies and core staff to support its activities NAAC is advised by the advisory and consultative committees constituted from time to time.

  1. 3.1 Expenditure excluding salary
  2. 3.2.2 Number of workshops/seminars conducted on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Industry-Academia Innovative practices during the last five years
  3. 3.2.2a Number of workshops/seminars conducted on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Industry-Academia Innovative practices during the last five years
  4. 3.3.1 Number of research papers published per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC care list during the last five years
  5. 3.2 Institution has created an ecosystem for innovations and has initiatives for creation and transfer of knowledge
  6. 3.3.2 Total number of books and chapters inedited volumes/books published and papers in national/international conference proceeding syearwise during last five years
  7. 3.4.1 Extension activities are carried out in the neighborhood community, sensitizing students to social issues, for their holistic development, and impact thereof during last five years
  8. 3.4.2 Awards and recognitions received for extension activities from government / government recognized bodies
  9. 3.4.3 Number of extension and outreach Programs conducted in collaboration with Industry,Community and Non- Government Organizations through NSS/ NCC/ Red Cross/ YRC etc., during the last five years
  10. 3.4.3a Report for each extension and outreach program to be made available with specific mention of number of students participated and the details of the collaborating agency
  11. 3.5.1 NumberoffunctionalMoUs/linkageswithinstitutions/industries in India and abroad for internship, on-the-job training,projectwork,student/facultyexchangeandcollaborativeresearchduringthelastfiveyears.

NAAC Self Study Report (SSR)

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